Sunday 5 October 2008

Review - Lords - Everyone Is People

Lords - Everyone Is People

View The Review

9 out of 10

OK, let's get the quote-bite out of the way, first: Lords are the best British rock band since Led Zeppelin. What's that? You don't agree? Would that be sarcastic arms I see folding? Nostrils a-quiver with scoff? That's fine. Return to your major-label, over-priced, over-polished, re-formed nonsense. The rest of us will play Everyone Is People until our speakers implode, grinning like acid-casualty gibbons the while. Lords' first album This Ain't A Hate Thing.It's A Love Thing appeared two long years ago and was a zephyr of joy. Everyone Is People makes it a whirlwind.

Taking the spirit of every musical leviathan of the past forty years and distilling it into an utterly life-affirming, head-banging, foot-stomping, butt-shaking, fist-pumping brew of twenty-first century freshness, whilst still retaining the exact essence of swamp and gritty grunt is an unbelievable achievement. But that's exactly what Lords have managed to do. Philip Welding shows Robert Plant why he should stick to crooning with American country singers. Chris Summerlin seems to have found a whole new roof-shaking riff-seam worth its volume in gold. Drum-Lord Elvis Beetham Wallace has the feet of Bonham and Krupa and the wrists of Rich and Moon. Look, why are you still reading this? Just buy it, already. In fact, buy two copies, at least. You'll wear the first one out. And get a new stereo, while you're about it. I guarantee your current one just isn't loud enough.


1. Good Dog Bad Dog
2. The Things We Do For Money
3. Horse/Donkey/Mule
4. Creatures
5. The Boat Don't Float
6. Paw Paw King
7. I Shook The Royal Throne
8. A Pioneer
9. The Rememberer
10. Untitled

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John said...
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