Sunday, 4 January 2009

Review - Badmouth - Badmouth

Badmouth - Badmouth

View The Review

7 out of 10

Badmouth are Rock and Roll in the tradition of AC/DC and Guns n' Roses before them, it's balls out all the way with this band. But also like AC/DC and Gn'R the lyrics are a bit dubious and they aren't going to change the world of Rock, more likely they'll fit in nicely. Each and every song stands out as a heavy hitting riff laden monster, but then this also has the downside as sounding a bit samey and the backing vocals on every song has the same distinctive growl that adds to the sameyness.

As a debut album this is awesome for production and given the right breaks this band could be around for a long rocking time. I think the opening track 'Pedal to the Metal' says it all about Badmouth and long may they grind out these behemoth tracks.


1. Pedal to he Metal
2. Kick It Up!
3. Cocaine Girl
4. Last train
5. Dance Little Sister
6. El Diablo
7. Rivethead
8. Hell Tonight
9. .And Take Your Toothbrush With You
10. SuperSassyBaby

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