Thursday, 8 January 2009

Review - The Fake Lazy Supernovas - Golden Boy (Single)

The Fake Lazy Supernovas - Golden Boy (Single)

View The Review

4 out of 10

A funk-pop song about.. well, I'm not sure.

I've read the lyrics and there's something about a picture of a boy and a plane touching down and a road but it doesn't really seem to really describe anything. It comes across as a few random sentences, made up on the spot and strung together for the sole purpose of leading to the words "joy" and "boy" so that they rhyme in the chorus.

Lyrics aren't everything though, techno music has taught us this but I'm struggling to find many redeeming qualities in the music either. Sure, it's groovy but in a kind of 80's wine bar house band way.
In fact it takes me back to when I was a kid and I'd skip through all the preset backing tracks on my Casio keyboard singing to my parents about the fluffiness of our dog.

I digress. If you're into music that you don't really have to listen to but want something inoffensive to put on in the background while you're cleaning the kitchen then it's perfect. The vocals are nice and it will never be one of those annoying songs you'll be humming all day at work because it's not interesting enough to stick in your head in the same way a kids cereal advert would.


1. Golden Boy
2. That's The Day

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