Monday 30 March 2009

Review - Go:Audio - Drive To The City (Single)

Go:Audio - Drive To The City (Single)

View The Review

7 out of 10

Anvilicious is a buzz word I’ve recently noticed, in literal sense it’s not an actual word but what it describes is types of media which are so heavy-handed and unsubtle about delivering their point that it’s like being hit with an anvil.

So how does this relate to Go:Audio’s new single ’Drive to the City’? Well my point is this single wants to be a huge catchy pop / rock song and Go:Audio’s delivery is completely anvilicious.

It almost feels like a laundry list of criteria that this track set out to achieve and I’m sure if you listen closely enough you could hear all the boxes being ticked. There is no doubt that is a pop song though, it could definitely cater to the masses as with its overly infectious chorus melody, there’s no doubt about it, the line ’Drive to the City’ is certainly cemented into your subconscious.

Although this may seem like a negative review it’s really not, this song does everything it was designed to do and does it well, my gripe is more at the way it was put together with all its key components, it’s all so, safe.

Go:Audio know what they’re doing and what they want to be and I’m quite sure they’ll achieve the success they demand, I’d just personally like to hear a few more risks.


1. Drive To The City

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