Friday 30 May 2008

News - Emmure Fight Back

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Emmure (Victory Records) have posted a response to Endwell’s statement ( on why they were kicked off The Mosh Lives Tour: "Let me first start by saying we as a band have been friends with these guys for a while so this is in no way partial to one side or another. Some of you may have noticed that Endwell has been removed from The Mosh Lives Tour. I’d just like to clear up a few things and set the record straight. This is a respctable tour with respectable bands and band members. This is our tour and us as Emmure must make sure that this tour is not hindered by immaturity since we are responoble for 6 bands 36 people and all their actions. Endwell has been surrounded and plauged with bad decision making since day one. As youll recall they were kicked off a bayside tour as well for lack of any morality, respect, or loyalty to the people that were helping them and were supposed to be friends with. They are quick to talk shit but what they won’t tell you is that when they first got signed to victory they were pumped they loved it they wouldn’t even help us out and get on a show when we needed it because they said they weren’t a local band anymore and they couldnt just do that. Victory put them in a Hollywood recording studio for over a month which excessivly exceeded their budget and time. They were provided with one of the top directors for their music video and put in every major music magazine... You would think they would be thankful After their record bombed to put it gently they started getting pissy and blaming everyone underneath the sun except for themselves which seems to be the trend of that band. And all but 2 members quit. Before this tour started we started hearing how they were talking shit about us and our record which we confronted them about and they confessed and with a good heart and them being our supposed friends we let it slide and kept them on he tour. The very first day they show up they have a shirt they are selling that is blatantly a slap in the face to victory records and us. I don’t know if they are just fucking dumb or naive but how the fuck do you show up to a victory records band headlining tour with that type of shot and think its funny? And expect for it to be ok and get away with it? Despite what they say they dug their own grave and did this to themselves noone is the bad guy in this except them despite their best efforts to tarnish the face of victory records their rue colors really shine through on this one and its just a new low in a bands carreer that doesnt need to get any lower Don’t shit where you sleep or your gonna wake up in shit"

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