Thursday 21 August 2008

Review - Maths Class - Now This Will Take Two Hands

Maths Class - Now This Will Take Two Hands

View The Review

7 out of 10

Arithmetic might be boring but, after playing their hometown almost constantly, Maths Class has become one of Brighton's most enticing bands. In the next month they take their clinical, clipped, sparse but occasionally ferocious songs to Japan and will support indie legend Stephen Malkmus.

Starting as the mean to go on, opener 'Nerves' falls somewhere in between Franz Ferdinand and The Blood Brothers, with additional Devo craziness which only increases as we work our way towards 'Replays Of Relays' at the end. Their songs are tightly knotted together, synths, bass and guitar riffs looping round together ("Everything in circles, repeating, repeating", they sing on 'Deutsche'. It's an astute piece of self-awareness), but electro-emocore hybrid 'Deutsche' still has mass appeal, as do the scrambled pop melodies and polished harmonies of 'Branches'.

Like Foals, Maths Class occasionally dabble in math-rock, and like Foals they tend to focus on sounds and repetition rather than lyrics; that the rapid fire multi-vocal deliveries on 'Jonny Got The Jawline' and 'Replays Of Relays' are indecipherable doesn't take anything away from the songs. They're also further evidence that Foals' early singles and 'Mirrored' by Battles are proving influential already. With some revision, Maths Class could one day be influential all by themselves.


1. Nerves
2. Deutsche
3. Jonny Got The Jawline
4. Branches
5. Replays Of Relays

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